Friday, September 23, 2011

Thai Fried Rice

My little Prince was asking why we don't go to any restaurants to eat like his friends in school. I guess at his little age, eating at home means eating healthier means nothing to him. So, DH decided to bring all of us to a chinese restaurant in Chinatown for some "restaurant" food. My little Prince fell in love with their Thai Fried Rice and was urging me to cook it again today. So, I came up with a version close enough for my prince to say "Mummy, Mummy! Its just like the one in the restaurant!!!"

Its a simple fried rice with garlic, onions, fishcake/fishballs, eggs, pineapple, kicap manis, Thai sweet chilli sauce and seasonings. Here's a photo of my version of Thai Fried Rice.

Laaeo phohp gan mai!!!!

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