Friday, April 12, 2013

Pancakes with Maple Syrup

My little Prince who is in Year 1 came back one day and asking me to allow him to flip the pancakes. I asked him to tell me everything about it and he mentioned that his school had a pancake day and they were allowed to make their own pancakes.  He informed me that he is a wonderful pancake maker and he can really flip a pancake like an expert. I promised him that we will do it on a weekend and we did.

Since he was so interested in pancakes, I decided to wear one of my many hats as a Mother (the educator hat) and explained to him that a pancake is a thin, flat, round cake made from a batter and  cooked on a hot frying pan.  We made the pancake batter together (me explaining to him each of the ingredient used) and my little Prince managed to keep the kitchen table pretty clean while doing most of it by himself...haha!

Here's a photo of my little Prince's pancakes.  He really did a superb job, I must say.  My little Princess ate quite a number of pieces of it and she thought it was from Mc Donalds...

My little Prince...we will be doing this again real soon....

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